Jeedi Mara Bus Stop
If you have traveled in BMTC Bus on Bannerghatta road, you would find a bus stop named Jeedi Mara Bus stop. It is junction of Ring road and Bannerghatta road next to Shoppers Stop Bus stop towards IIMB. Ever wondered why it is named so ? Even if you know Kannada, the use of Jeedi Mara is now very occasional. If you are an urbanite, chances are that you do not know what it means excpet that it is name of a tree. I got curious and went asking around about what it is. I didn't have to venture out ;) just asked folks at my home. Turns out Jeedi Mara is nothing but Cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale). Indeed, there was a big Jeedi Mara close to the new mall that is coming up on the junction. Alas, it isn't there any more. But it has lent such a beautiful name to one of the bus stops in Bangalore. It is better than Shoppers Stop Bus stop (Now repeat that twenty times :) )
Labels: bannerghatta road, bmtc, bmtc bus stop, cashew, geru beeja, j d mara, jd mara, jd mara bus stop, jdmara, jeedi mara, jeedi mara bus stop, jeedimara, jpnagar 3rd phase